About us


Our Mission:

To Journey Together as we seek to share Christ, connect as followers, serve our community, and become the disciple makers God intended us to be.

Our Beliefs:

We are a Southern Baptist Church and we adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message.

Our Values:

Biblical Truth - We pray for and depend on God's Word for wisdom and direction.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Worship - We celebrate God with our entire being. 

Mark 12:30

Unity - We unite together to seek God’s unstoppable plan. 

Ephesians 4:3

Disciple Making - We grow deeper, multiply, and journey together.

Romans 1:12/  Proverbs 27:17 / Matt 28:19-20

Missions  - We love and serve generously as Jesus did.

John 15:12

Openness - We strive to be relevant and engage where God leads us.

Hebrews 10:24 / 1 Corinthians 9:22/ Isaiah 43:19

Excellence  - We give our best to honor God and reach our community.

Col 3:23 /Isaiah 12:5 /Titus 2:7


Our Staff:

Scott Blasingame
Sr Pastor - scott@wbcrh.com

Assoc Pastor - TBA

Alan Harveston
Worship Leader - alan@wbcrh.com

Lamar Schrader
Administrator - lamar@wbcrh.com

Melanie Doan
Children Director - melanie@wbcrh.com

Jonathan Rollings
Youth Director - jonathan@wbcrh.com

Penny Cobb
Office Administrator - penny@wbcrh.com

Morgan Fogle
CDC Director - woodhavenbaptistcdc@gmail.com