women and mens ministries

Ladies - we know its important for you to connect with other Christ followers to encourage and grow together. We want to invite you to join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm for a exciting look into God’s Word and join other women seeking to grow in Christ. We are expanding our ministry opportunities in this area and invite you to join us for upcoming events.

“I love Woodhaven because we are a family. There are people there for every season of my life.” - Whitney

Guys - as well we know that we should take serious the scripture that iron sharpens iron and so should we. As well, we invite you to join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm and check back here in the near future for more opportunities to connect with other men and grow in our faith.

“I love Woodhaven because of the people we are connected with the most. We’ve become like family. We spend time in life groups together and outside groups. Sharing and doing life together, meals, sports, events, concerts” - Jonathan. 

Marriage Ministry

We are looking forward to providing you the tools to have a great marriage. Please check back soon for opportunities to connect with other couples and to discover some great resources to make your marriage the best it has ever been.